The security of Your personal information is very important to us and we take Your trust very seriously. Under no circumstances will we sell or disclose Your personal information to third parties. We will protect the security and privacy of any personal information You provide to us and will only use the information we describe here. If You have any questions, suggestions or comments about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us at any time by visiting the Sinomai online customer service system or Sinomai official service account. This Policy does not apply to the services provided by other third parties to You, nor does it apply to the services in which we independently set a privacy policy. Please carefully read and thoroughly understand this Policy before using Sinomai Services. You agree that the Privacy Policy represents that You have understood the functions provided by the App and the necessary personal information required for the functions to operate. 1.What personal information do we collect? You can choose to use or visit our website without revealing any personal and transactional information about Yourself, but You need to register for an account to experience our full service, if You provide us with Your information, You agree to Information is transmitted and stored on our servers. Sinomai collects the personal information You provide when You use this website, this information includes Your name, contact informationļ¼Œemail address, password and other information You need to create an account. In addition to the personal information we may collect and process upon registration, we also collect, store and process the following information about our users: 1) Purchase information 2) Service account information 3) yment information (payment time, payment amount, payment channel, etc.) 4) Cookies and other computer information 2.How do we use Your personal information? We will not sell or disclose any user's personal information, and strive to protect Your information and privacy. We will use Your information to provide You with better services, including: 1) Contact You by email and provide You with a series of our services, including consulting serviceļ¼Œorder information service, package information service, commodity after-sales service, etc. 2) Communicate platform activities to You through emails and internal letters, including providing You with coupons, shipping discounts and special promotions, and providing opportunities to use services from third parties. In accordance with laws, regulations and national standards, no authorization or consent is required from You for the use by the Partners, or for our transfer or disclosure of Your personal information under the following circumstances: 1) In accordance with laws, regulations, compulsory requirements of administrative and judicial authorities and other statutory obligations; 2) Where necessary to protect the public interest, the safety of property, the protection of You or other Sinomai users, Sinomai, Sinomai's affiliates or partners from damages, as permitted by laws and regulations; 3) Essential for fulfilling the core functions of our products and/or services or for providing services You need; 4) Process Your personal information disclosed by Yourself or other personal information that has been legally disclosed (such as personal information legally disclosed through lawful news reports, disclosure of government information or other channels) to the reasonable extent; 5) Handle the dispute or dispute between You and others upon Your need; 6) Comply with the provisions of the relevant agreement signed with You (including online electronic agreement and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents; 7)Use based on social and public interests and public health emergencies in compliance with laws and regulations. For the above purposes, You also have the right to cancel the notification at any time. You can log in to the Sinomai website and set it Yourself in the custom function. Please note that we will not share Your personal data with any advertisers unless we have obtained Your consent. We will not solicit or issue personal information from children or other persons who do not have the capacity to act in their own right, without the consent, knowledge and presence of their guardians. You hereby acknowledge, share and transfer of the de-identified personal information, and ensure that the data receiver cannot recover and re-identify the subject of personal information, does not constitute the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information to the outside world, the preservation and processing of such data will not need to notify You and obtain Your consent. We may entrust authorized partners to handle Your personal information in order to authorize partners to provide certain services or perform certain functions for You on our behalf. We will only entrust it to process Your information for the legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes of this Policy Statement, and authorized partners will only have access to the information necessary to perform their duties. 3.How long will we keep Your information? Once You have successfully registered a Sinomai account, we will keep Your personal information permanently, if You want to cancel Your account or delete Your personal information, please contact online customer service. 4.How do we protect Your personal information We will take all reasonably practicable measures to protect Your personal information. We will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. 5.Policy Update In order to bring You a better product and service experience, we continue to strive to improve our products, services and technologies. When new services and business processes are changed, we may update our privacy policy to inform You of the specific changes. Please pay attention to this page in time and the latest policy on the page shall prevail. The latest policy will be binding upon You as soon as it is published. 6.Contact us If You have any questions about the Privacy Statement, please contact: [email protected]